Language : English | Indonesia
ArcheAge is coming! For our heroes who will be wondering how to create characters when starting to play it, we would like to give you a sneak peek.
First, select the desired race and gender. When you select a race, you can view the details and description of each race.

Race Selection (Pic.1)
You can choose from a total of 4 races per union(Please refer to ArcheAge Guide Series # 2 Race for more details of the races).
Gender choice (Pic.2)
You can choose between male and female for each race.
Race Description (Pic.3)
You can view information about the characteristics and race skills of the selected race.
Race video (Pic. 3-1)
You can watch the video of the ethnic story.
Second, you can choose your ability! ArcheAge offers six unique abilities: Battlerage, Sorcery, Archery, Vitalism, Malediction, or Swiftblade. In the beginning, you will be asked to choose one but later on, you can add another one from the abilities when you reach the level 7 and 15. Unlock different jobs by mixing and matching the combination of your abilities.
Ability Selection (Pic. 1)
Choose one ability from Battlerage, Sorcery, Archery, Vitalism, Malediction, or Swiftblade. When you select an ability, you can watch a cut-scene video that demonstrates the typical skills of that ability(Available only when the Disable Skill Video check is off).
Ability Description (Pic. 2)
You can check the job name, conception, and representative skills of the selected ability.
Control Difficulty (Pic. 3)
You can check the ability tendency graph and the control difficulty.
Third, create and decorate the look you want in a number of ways using the characteristics.
Feature selection (Pic. 1)
Choose your favorite from the many pre-made character features.
Appearance selection function (Pic. 2)
You can change not only the entire face, but also the desired parts such as the head, face details, and body decoration. Styles may differ by race / sex.
Save and load appearance (Pic. 3)
You can save or recall your favorite appearance while setting the appearance.
Lighting Settings (Pic. 4)
You can check your character’s appearance in different time settings such as in dawn, daylight, or evening light.
Create shapes more specifically by fine-tuning each part of the eyes, nose, mouth, and face.
1. Head
You can change the hair style and color. Set your desired character’s hair color to two-tone highlights depending on the type of hair you choose.
2. Skin
You can change your skin color and age line in this selection. You may choose to add fine lines to your character and control the age line intensity. You can also opt out this feature by clicking the x button at the top.
3. Eyebrow
You can choose your desired eyebrows type and color here. You can also remove your character’s eyebrows if you do not want by clicking the x button.
4. The Iris
You can change the shape and color of the character’s eye. There may be items that can be set within a limited race.
5. Style
Here you can choose to add makeup to your character. You can change the eye / face makeup, cheek touch, and lip color. You can remove makeup other than lip color if you do not want.
6. Paint
You can make your character cool by adding tattoo and scar. You can choose from a wide range of options available. You can not only choose the location of the tattoo or scar, but also choose the size and angle in your character’s face.
Fourth, see how your character looks in costumes by trying on different outfits using the preview option. However, the selected costume does not adjust after character creation and some costumes can be crafted in-game.
Last, click the select button to set your character’s name. The name should be made of 3 to 12 characters in English. For English names, enter in lower case, but the first letter is automatically converted to capital letter. You cannot use spaces, special characters, and numbers. Try to come up with a unique name for each of your characters.
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