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Each playable race has a different racial mount type, offered in three color options during an early mount-raising quest line in the starting zones.
Mounts are generally obtained as babies and you’ll need to raise and care for them until they grow into a suitable companion. Once grown to an adult, mounts can be summoned into the world. You can ride your mount or have them follow you as you explore around the lands of Erenor. Mounts also have different abilities that are gained as they level and can be used while you’re riding.
While battle pets or combat pets are pets with offensive and/or defensive abilities that may assist a player in battle.
Starting mounts and battle pets can be obtained by following through the starting quest and each race has different kinds.
Lilyut Horses

Lilyut Horses are the default quest obtained by the Nuian Race. They may obtain it from a short quest chain starting with Animal Care. Elves and brave Easterners can also obtain this ground mount for a small fee from the Wardton stables in Solzreed Peninsula. The Lilyut Horse comes in three varieties – Brown, Buckskin, and Gray.
Elk is the starter mount for Elves. It is obtainable by all other races for a small fee on the North West of Gweonid Lake. It can be obtained from the Raising Your Elk Calf quest chain in Gweonid Forest. Other races may obtain these mounts for 10 Silver at the stables of Gweonid Lake in Gweonid Forest. The Elk comes in three varieties – Green, White, and Violet.
Leomorph is the starter mount for the Harani, and can be found in Arcum Iris, located on the continent of Haranya. It can be obtained from the How to Raise Your Leomorph quest chain in Arcum Iris. Other races may obtain these mounts for 10 Silver at the stables of Parchsun Settlement in Arcum Iris. The Leomorph comes in three varieties – Blacktail, Browntail, and Whitetail.
The Snowlion is the default mount of the Firran Race. It can be obtained from the Raising Your Snowlion quest chain in Falcorth Plains. Other races may obtain these mounts for 10 Silver at the stables of Cloudgrain in Falcorth Plains. The Snowlion comes in three varieties – Coalmane, Snowmane, and Sandmane.
Battle pets
The Wolfhound is the Western Continent (Nuia) Battle Pet. All races can buy the Battle Pet for 10 Silver at Dawnsliver in Marianople. The Nuia factions can obtain the Battle Pet for free by completing the Wool for a Wolfhound quest in Dawnsliver.
The Sabrefang is the Eastern Continent (Haranya) Battle Pet. The Haranya factions can obtain the Battle Pet for free by completing the Blade in a Hand quest at Jaun’s Ranch.
Is that all? Of course not.
The mounts above are just basic ones:There are more splendid and various Mounts in ArcheAge such as Karon, Tiger, Farm Cart, Seawhip Speedboat, Small Warship, Coupe/Roadster, etc.
Why don’t you take a peek just for a while?
Karon the Stormwalker
Brave Tiger
Farm Cart
Seawhip Speedboat
Small Warship
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