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ArcheAge offers a wide-range of possibilities, but first you have to decide on what faction you want to belong to.
ArcheAge is divided into two factions:

The settlers of the west continent Nuia are the Nuia who fear no death and the Elves who secluded themselves deep in the forest.

The dwellers of the east continent Haranyan are the Harani who are survivors in the truest sense of the word and the Firran who are restless nomads of the wild.
Thousands of years have passed but both factions are still hostile towards each other.
Allied factions may support and protect each other’s back. Allied camps are friendly to each other, they can have conversation, socialize and trade goods. They can form a party or organize raids in order to move towards a common goal.
On the other hand, hostile factions cannot communicate with the opposing faction. They are vigilant with each other. You can constantly witness battles between Nuia and Haranya, and sometimes it ends up with large scale wars.
There are times when conflict arises between allied factions as well. Anyone may steal crops or assault other players. However, anyone who commits crimes will pay the price for their felony.
Whether you live in harmony with your faction or betray it, it’s up to you to decide.
Now, who would you choose? What do you want to become?
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